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Why choose Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printing?

This advanced 3D printing technology offers fast production times and excellent surface quality in the end product. We can also print in colour!

Multi Jet Fusion uses a fine-grained nylon powder that enables articles with ultra-thin design features to be printed accurately. Items printed by the MJF method are more dense, strong and water resistant than parts produced with Laser Sintering.

Printed articles are sand blasted after they are removed from the printer to remove any loose material. The resultant finish is good quality with a slightly rough texture. There are further finishing options available depending on required aesthetics or end use – these may include sanding, colour dying or vapour smoothing.

MJF 3D Printing technology can achieve short production lead times. It is ideal for functional prototypes, bespoke products or smaller batch jobs.

Supporting the next generation

Preparing for the future era of digital manufacturing.

We are partnering with HP New Zealand to work with design students from High Schools and Universities across New Zealand to promote rapid 3D printing and manufacturing technology.

3D printing technology is revolutionising what design students can achieve. Students have unprecented scope to exercise their imaginations and hone skills that will take them into the future. Working with these bright young minds, we can showcase the possibilities of what can be produced with 3D Printing technologies.

How does multi-jet 3D printing work?

Powder base is laid

After the 3D design is sent to the Multi Jet Fusion 3D printer, it lays down a layer of material powder on the printing bed. The type of material used can vary with new materials are being developed every day.

Jets apply agent

Multiple inkjet heads deposit fusing and detailing agents onto the powder material. The combination of these two agents allows for significantly finer detail when compared to other 3D printing devices.

Surface is heated

An infrared heating unit moves across the 3D print which melts the desired areas together. This is repeated layer by layer until the 3D print is complete. Any excess material is able to be vaccuumed up and be reused in the Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printer in the next build which minimises wastage.

Now watch HP 3D Jet Fusion printing in action


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